Publisher's description
The ScrLock is a unique smart program for disable screensaver when important processes are running.
You can add program into Process list of ScrLock and screensaver of your computer will start only when this program is not working. It's very suitable when you open TV tuner or media player on the not full screen mode. Also you can using several software for monitoring the hardware processes, without turn off screensaver. Of course, you can add more than one process in to the black list of ScrLock.
You can add program into Process list of ScrLock and screensaver of your computer will start only when this program is not working. It's very suitable when you open TV tuner or media player on the not full screen mode. Also you can using several software for monitoring the hardware processes, without turn off screensaver. Of course, you can add more than one process in to the black list of ScrLock.
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